Family Visitation Center

A safe, neutral place for families to build and maintain relationships

About FVC

The Safe Place Family Visitation Center serves as a comfortable, neutral location for the transfer of children for traditional visitation and as a location for monitored on-site visitation. The FVC is designed for children and their separated or divorced parents in cases where there has been conflict involved with visitation, domestic abuse, child abuse, and/or substance abuse. The safety and comfort of every child is our primary concern. We offer age-appropriate visitation rooms and an outdoor playground.

Services we provide:


Supervised Visits

In-person, phone, and virtual; monitored, recorded, and documented visits between noncustodial parent and child(ren)

Assisted Exchanges

Monitored and documented safe exchanges of child(ren) between parents

Free parenting classes

The skills learned can be used with any parenting style and with any single-parent, two-parent, or multi-parent set of rules.

Learn More

Transportation Services

*for eligible visits/exchanges

Why Supervised Visitation?

Supervised visitation allows children who have experienced divorce, domestic violence, and other forms of trauma to maintain or develop a relationship with parents/guardians in a safe environment. Supervised visitation provides a space for parents in conflict to avoid one another and prevent children from witnessing that conflict. Supervised visitation is not just for those who have court orders or social service cases.


Reasons for choosing supervised visitation:

  • A custody battle in which the partners have conflict

  • Safety concerns, such as substance abuse or mental health concerns, with one of the parents

  • A previously absent parent who now wants to reconnect/build a relationship with a child

  • Abuse of the child by a parent

  • Abuse of one parent by the other parent

  • Other potentially dangerous or harmful family situations


FVC needs list:

  • Kid friendly snacks & drinks

  • Family movies

  • Disposable dinnerware

  • Sensory toys

  • Family games

  • Other family activities


Donations may be brought to our north door at 1809 N. Wisconsin St, Mitchell.

Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Safe Place Stories:

“The Family Visitation Center gave me a way to resolve communication issues as well as get to know my son when I was a young dad going through a rocky custody battle. Now, I get to see my son every weekend and spend time with him outside of the visitation center.”
