Financial & Housing Assistance
Safe Place ESD provides resources to help those experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness.
Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG):
These grants assist people to quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness. Funding for individuals requesting assistance will be based on priority and availability of ESG program funds. Eligibility will be determined by the Housing Advocate.
ESG funds are designed for the following situations:
Homeless Prevention (HP)
Serves individuals/families that are at risk of becoming homeless.
Living in a hotel
Facing eviction
Living with family or friend
Rapid Re-housing (RRH)
Serves individuals/families that are currently homeless.
Living in shelter
Living in a car
Living in a place not meant for human habitation
Eligible Types of Assistance:
Housing relocation and stabilization services
Financial assistance
Short- and medium-term rental assistance that includes:
- Rental application fee
- Security deposit assistance
- Pro-rated first month’s rent
- Rental assistance up to 24 months
- Past due rent and utilities
How to apply:
An application must be completed to determine eligibility. Please contact us for more information or to apply.
Office Hours for Housing: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.
Contact a housing advocate: 605-996-2765
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