Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota relies on donations to our domestic violence shelter to protect and support victims and survivors of abuse. Your donations help us provide a sense of security, safety, and community.
How your donations make an impact:
provides 1 night of shelter for a victim
provides a 1-hour family visitation
provides 3 counseling sessions for a client to get professional help
provides personnel costs
provides rent and/or security deposit
provides shelter, food, and utilities for one month
We also accept in-kind donations of new clothing, personal care items, and nonperishable food. Please see our wishlist for current needs.
Checks can be made payable to Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota and mailed to:
1809 N. Wisconsin St., Mitchell, SD 57301
We also accept:
Venmo- @SafePlaceOfESD
PayPal- marketing@safeplace-esd.org
Catch the Club!
A fun and interactive way to donate!
Purchase a $5 ticket for your chance to be drawn to “Catch the Club”! A single ticket is drawn to determine our weekly winner. If your name is drawn, you will automatically win 10% of the weekly sales of the tickets. If you draw the Ace of Clubs, you will split the entire pot of 50/50 raffle with Safe Place ESD Foundation.
All proceeds go to benefit Safe Place ESD. Click here for complete rules and additional information on how to play.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for Catch the Club updates!
Tickets are $5 each with no limit. Drawings are on Fridays at 12pm. Tickets needs to be purchased by Thursday at midnight in order to be in the week's drawing.
Payment Methods:
Cash, Check- Drop off at Safe Place ESD: 1809 N. Wisconsin Street
Venmo- @SafePlaceOfESD
(Preferred Payment Method)
PayPal- marketing@safeplace-esd.org
*Please include name, phone number, and card number 1-54 when purchasing tickets*
Safe Place Survivor Stories:
“I met my boyfriend when I was 14. What started as an attentive, protective relationship eventually became controlling and abusive. Throughout our time together, which included the birth of our three children, he gradually became more violent toward me, and eventually our children. When I finally connected with Safe Place, I was able to leave the situation and move into the shelter and then an apartment. At Safe Place, my boyfriend participated in the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, and he also suggested that we take a parenting class together. He has continued to put in the work to change, and our relationship is in a much better place now.”